
Why I Can’t Sign Wizkid, Davido, and Others to Mavin Records – Don Jazzy Reveals

Why I Can’t Sign Wizkid, Davido, and Others to Mavin Records - Don Jazzy Reveals

Don Jazzy, the renowned Nigerian music producer and head of Mavin Records, shared insights into why he missed the chance to sign some of Nigeria’s biggest music stars such as Davido and Wizkid to his label.

In a candid revelation on the Leaderboard podcast with Fisayo Fosudo, Don Jazzy disclosed the circumstances surrounding his decisions not to sign Wizkid, Davido, and others.

Reflecting on Wizkid, Don Jazzy explained that he couldn’t secure the Starboy’s signature because Banky W of EME had already signed him. It was a missed opportunity that he acknowledged would have been “amazing” for his record label.

Similarly, with Davido, Don Jazzy opted not to pursue a deal, believing that the talented artist would thrive independently, a decision he now reflects upon with a tinge of regret.

Simi and Teni, two immensely talented artists, also slipped through Don Jazzy’s fingers. Despite his admiration for their work, he didn’t extend offers to them, a decision he now wishes he could change.

Why I Can’t Sign Wizkid, Davido, and Others to Mavin Records - Don Jazzy Reveals

Even Falz The Bahd Guy, known for his unique style and impactful music, was on the cusp of joining Mavin Records before the deal fell apart.

These revelations shed light on the intricate dynamics of the Nigerian music industry, where timing and circumstances often dictate the trajectory of an artist’s career. Don Jazzy’s openness about his past decisions underscores the complexities and uncertainties inherent in talent scouting and artist management.

While Don Jazzy may have missed out on signing these iconic artists, his contributions to the Nigerian music scene remain undeniable. Through Mavin Records, he has nurtured and propelled numerous talents to stardom, shaping the landscape of afrobeats and influencing generations of musicians.

As the music industry continues to evolve, Don Jazzy’s reflections serve as a reminder of the importance of seizing opportunities and making the most of every chance, no matter how fleeting they may seem. And while some opportunities may have passed, the future holds endless possibilities for both established and emerging talents in Nigeria’s vibrant music scene.

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